Forgive or Forget – Can we really do it? - Penstrokes-Blogging & Digital Marketing

Forgive or Forget – Can we really do it?

Phew !!! Well How many can relate to this? Before I want to start with, think of have you ever done this. Is it easy to do that? Well I don’t know why it’s hard for every individual. What is Forgiveness? If we can’t forgive, can we really forget about that? So many questions in mind and so much confusion in our heart. Forgiving someone is the most important part of life and only the strongest person can do that. A person who is weak can’t do. Forgiveness basically means not to feel bad, angry for any wrongful act / mistake which have been done by another person.

I guess everyone has different perceptions based on their circumstances. But Honestly, I haven’t seen anyone who seriously can jump into and say I have completely forgiven the mistake of a person or have forgotten what happened. Let’s talk about forgiveness. We need to have compassion for someone to really forgive the other person. You can’t forgive without loving. You need to have a lot of courage to stand up and say –“I forgive. I am finished with it”. It is not an easy place where you can forgive people. But If you do that, it is such a powerful place as it makes you free.

I remember few incidents where People have really done wrong things, spoken bad words to me. From my perspective of life, I do forgive people , no grudges at all  but I don’t forget . That’s the worst thing I can say I do. I tried to change myself but can’t do that. When one deeply looks what is the idea behind forgiveness, we can say it is love and acceptance. I guess if we look at the broad perceptive, only parents are someone who forgive and forget their kids for whatever wrong deeds they do. Otherwise, we in every other relationship can’t do that. Also, we don’t have that same heart of what our parents have. My best quote ever is – “ I forgive, but I also learn a lesson, I won’t hate you , but I will never get close enough for  you to hurt me again. I Cant let my forgiveness become my foolishness.”

An Amazing quote I came across – “As long as you don’t forgive, who and whatever it is will occupy a rent-free space in your mind.” We keep on thinking about that person in our mind, and really that person takes a rent free space. So let it go, try to forgive so it will be really easy for you to live.

How can we do that? The process of forgiving and forgetting needs to taken in a very relaxing way. We need to analyze who did the mistakes. When we see the mistake of other person, we are filled with anger and guilt but at times we somehow forget the mistake but not that person who did that. Forgiving that person seems to be not easy. Ask yourself, is it true or not?

  • Try to have a love feeling more – Start trying to love all the people around you. You can do this by helping others, talking to them who actually need you, forgiving the faults of others. If we actually do this, we would have so much of forgiveness inside us which makes us a better person.
  • Try to deal with your emotions – It is really hard but try to listen to your soul, your mind. You will feel better as you will be able to communicate with yourself what’s going on. The emotions will come out and will make you think in a better way.
  • Try to find out the reason – Forgiving a person is really a big think we can do. But just saying – I have forgiven what that person did it to me. I don’t care now. Try to put yourself in other person’s shoes. We all human beings are same, everyone has some or the other problem and also no human being is bad or good. Everyone has struggles in life and is somehow living the life with his problems. If someone has hurted you, It’s really important that we must know the reason for the same. You too are not perfect.If you are able to put yourself in the position of the other I think you’re always more likely to find a way to forgive.

“ Forgive Others , not because they deserve forgiveness , but because you deserve peace”.

It shows us the way to become a strong human being by saving us from the unnecessary mental tension of past mistakes. When we forgive and forget we no longer waste our energy in unwanted anxiety and pain.. So, utilise the power of forgiveness to forget the unwanted incidents of life and lead an amazing life.

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