Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) - Penstrokes-Blogging & Digital Marketing

Search Engine Optimisation (SEO)

"Its Not about getting the traffic, its about getting the targeted and relevant traffic"

Search Engine Optimisation is a process of getting the traffic from the free,organic or natural results on search Engines.


More than you think

Research Analysis

Our Experts work in an efficient manner to perform keyword research, identify your target audience and perform content gap analysis.

Technical SEO

Penstrokes ensures to provide the best practices for easy accessibility and reliability. The best SEO will serve the search engines to perform in a best manner.

Categories of SEO :-

Black Hat SEO helps to focus on optimizing the content only for search engines & not adding any value to the user. In this, organizations will not consider how the visitors will read and navigate the content of the site. The main purpose of this will just be to improve the ranking of the site to make a quick move. They are less costly and the results are faster ,but they are considered unethical SEO techniques by the google webmaster guidelines & using black hat SEO can result in lower ranking & demotion by search engines on their result pages (SERP). Some of the techniques are- Plagiarism, hidden text, keyword stuffing, content automation etc..

White Hat SEO helps to provide value to the user & improving the ranking on SERP's. It focus on the audience that will click on and read the content of the site. The main aim of this SEO is to produce the best content on the site which is really easy for anyone to read and navigate while following the google webmaster guidelines for optimization. They are considered ethical SEO techniques & takes longer to be carried out,but are safe & tends to deliver lasting & compounding value over time. Some of the techniques are-quality & relevant content, keywords rich meta description, mobile friendly site & faster load time.

Grey Hat SEO helps to focus on those techniques which are no mentioned in google webmaster guidelines. The main purpose of this SEO is to attract the attention of the visitors, encourage them by clicking at the link of a particular web page and not delivering the value.

What is Search Engine result page(SERP's)?

Major search engines such as Google, Bing & yahoo have primary search results, where web pages and other content such as videos or local listings are shown and ranked based on what search engine considers most relevant to users. It is basically helpful to rank your website on search engine in an organic way. In other words, SEO involves making changes to your website design and enriching content with keywords that makes your site more attractive to a search engine.

SEO Services

  • Keyword Research
  • Content Optimization
  • HTML Optimization
  • Local Search Engine Optimization
  • Link Building
  • Mobile SEO

Types of SEO

  • On Page SEO - This involves those elements that happen on your website. We have a complete control of all the things happening on our website. This SEO involves elements like optimising the content, mega tags, keyword research, HTML Optimisation on your website page.

  • Off Page SEO - This Involves the technique to improve the ranking of your website through link building, directory submission, article submission, bookmarking ,content marketing and social media which are performed outside the limits of any web page.
clients feedback

What People Say

Penstrokes is a Digital Marketing agency that has been helping business to get more leads and customers through affordable yet innovative digital Marketing services. They have worked more closely with us to understand the business deeply and drive qualified organic traffic on their websites by providing the best quality content with optimised keywords. They adhere to the best market guidelines and use white hat SEO Techniques to drive quality traffic to your website .
Nirmal Manshani
Director, Cosmos Interrnational
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