Let Go can’t be easy at Times - Penstrokes-Blogging & Digital Marketing

Let Go can’t be easy at Times

I’ve made a mental note to let rid of a few things that aren’t serving the purpose of living peacefully these days. “Let go and move on,” you must all hear and read on nearly every social media post.

But what exactly does this imply? Any criteria do we use to determine how to let go of things?

“The hardest lesson of life is letting go. Whether it’s guilt, anger, love, loss, or betrayal. Change is never easy, and We fight to hold on and we fight to let go.”

Simply said, letting go is forgetting or ceasing to be concerned about something. We have lived through a global pandemic, and such sentiments have arisen in the hearts of millions of people. Even if we have survived the virus’s effects, the previous two years have been difficult for those who are emotionally and mentally fragile.

As humans, we must be able to fight for the things that are important to us. Relationships, people, and jobs are all things that we struggle for. But the truth is that they don’t always put forth the same amount of effort to keep us. Holding on to things that are attempting to let go of us is the most difficult aspect. The more we cling to each other, the stronger we become.

I’m sure the pain and loss that comes with letting go is a part of your ‘journey.’ I’m confident that the lessons you’ll learn will put you on the path to the life you desire. If you persist in your pain, you may end up injuring yourself considerably more in the long term. It’s critical to learn how to cope with that pain, to leave that event behind you, and to heal yourself by keeping just the things that will help you grow and move forward. This may appear to be a simple task, but as you and I both know, letting go may be difficult.

There are ways to let go of things and become strong. So, let’s discuss them in detail.

  1. Stand up and make the decision – The hardest part of letting go is making the decision to let go and feeling alright about it. There are times when I try to do this and realize it is difficult. I surely ask myself a few questions: 

              • Is this tied to any person, profession, or relationship that can provide me with what I desire?

             • Do I feel more happy or sad? It’s time to let go if I’m sad.

  • You are brave enough to handle such situations – It may feel unsafe and inappropriate to let go of something that has been with you for a long time. It may even come across as self-centered. It isn’t, however, any of the above. It takes guts. Quite courageous. If you’re at a moment where you’re clinging to something that no longer feels right or is hurting you, one of the bravest and strongest things you can do is listen to yourself.
  • Don’t expect change– People evolve over time, but they do it on their own terms, not on the terms of others. People can change, but only if they initiate it. It will only be temporary if it originates from you. The amount of energy required to change is huge, and it can only be sustained over time if the drive originates from inside.
  • Believe in yourself that you will be ok – Both emotionally and physically, we’re wired to survive. When we cling so tenaciously to anything, the energy that could otherwise be used to move forward is diverted to the task of clinging. The energy that was holding you back will begin to pull you forward once you let go. It may not seem like way at first – letting go can be difficult – but trust the process and keep in mind that you made the decision. Good times are on the way, and you’ll soon discover why your bold decision was so wise.
  • Accept the things as they are – It’s pointless to return to a story that ends in the same way: misery. This will simply make you relieve the pain and possibly do your additional harm. Rather than repeating the same scenario in your head, you can acknowledge the issue and plan. Assume you ever find yourself in a position like this. You’ll know how to handle situations better, so you don’t get harmed again.
  • Forgive yourself and everyone around you – Knowing how to forgive yourself and others is an important part of learning how to let go. You can go on to forgiveness if you stop blaming others and accept responsibility for your part in a particular event. It’s important to remember that by forgiving others, you’re releasing yourself from unpleasant emotions. The same can be said for you. Accept that you can no longer change the situation if you blame yourself for your own pain.

Well, I know how hard everyone’s situation is and how tough one may find it to let go of. But do remember one thing –

“It takes a lot more courage to let something go than it does to hang on to it, trying to make it better. Letting go doesn’t mean ignoring a situation. Letting go means accepting what it is , exactly what it is, without fear  or a struggle of control”.

We’re all here to learn and grow, and we all deserve to be happy. Having to let go of things that were previously significant is a normal aspect of life –a painful one. None of us ever remain the same. We’re always evolving. That isn’t to say that everything in our life will develop in the same way or at the same rate.

Letting go is one of the most difficult, but also daring, things we can do. With everything we’ve left behind, there’s still a lot more to come. To be able to welcome it with open arms when it arrives.

1 thought on “Let Go can’t be easy at Times”

  1. Every word is truly relatable, this is challenging to write down this feeling, but you did it beautifully. 👍👏
    Loved it ❤️

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