Own Expectations – Biggest Enemy - Penstrokes-Blogging & Digital Marketing

Own Expectations – Biggest Enemy

Expectation - A Big Term To Define

Are you tired of Expecting something from others??? Is expecting from your friends, relatives, loved one is wrong?? Why do we set few expectations from people we love? Life give us millions of reasons to Smile, to cry but in our own heart the main reason we face problems in our life is our own expectations.

 No really !! if you actually sit and think of this , this will be true for every single individual. But is this something we should not do ? We are surrounded by expectations of our own, expectations of others , actually expectations of the whole world.

We always want that life should be simple, the way we want the life to be. We expect everyone should be like us . We want we should always be happy . But Is this really possible ?? Expecting something from our loved ones at times can be possible . Like, we can expect that the people we love, will never hurt us . 

This expectation is very normal. But Trust me, living in this world where everyone is just being selfish expecting anything from anyone is of no point.

“When you have expectations, you are setting yourself up for disappointment”.

These feeling will lead to frustration, anger . We will start blaming others for the way things happen. There are people , who will actually go into a shell and stop talking to everyone outside the world when they get hurted. People do go into deep depression and this will lead to various health issues.

 Don’t Blame people for disappointing you Blame yourself for expecting too much.

Biggest Problem

The biggest enemy is – OUR OWN Expectations . Why we expect the world to be like the way we are ? Why we want everyone to love us the way we love them ?? What we do to others is our nature, our teachings by our parents . Old Habits cant die. Though we can try to change ourselves. But this will actually take time .


 One solution can be “ Let go of anything “ I know its easy to say but at least we can try to implement it . We are human being , and we generally get attached to anyone may be a person or an object, behaviour . We can try to practise to Let go off things , Have patience when its actually hard to do so. 

One of my closest friend always tells me  – “When you stop expecting people to be perfect, you can like them for who they are.” This is something I always try to apply in my daily life. Expectations manifest when we impose our standards on the people around us. We often do this with good intentions—we genuinely believe that the person should adopt what we believe because it’s a better standard compared to theirs.  

Always try to develop a sense of gratitude towards everyone in our lives . This will help to reduce the pain of our own expectations. When you feel a sense of gratitude , appreciation towards everything would dwell and it would be really difficult to stay in a negative situation. 

Try Not to Judge others and try to accept the way the people are .

Letting go is a easiest and safest way to get rid of our own expectations. Its not something which can be achieved overnight. It might take few months or years.

 Letting go not only means confronting ourselves and making challenging choices, it also involves facing down some of our biggest internal fears and perceptions. Learning to let go of our own expectations is no doubt really hard.


But if we try to maintain that , we would be at peace, will be happy and will see a new version of ourselves. So , Are you guys ready to Let Go of your own expectations ? and Live a life of our own.

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