Confused – What’s Next??

How many of us are really confused today? What we want from life and what we actually get varies. Yes I am confused about life just like every individual might me. There are times when we get confused, struggle hard, and get depressed as we really don’t know what we want from life. I am here to write this today seeing various thoughts people have in their mind – where I am going, why life has so many ups and downs, why there are so many struggles?  I am sure you guys sitting and reading my blog do get this thought in your life too.

There is always a state of confusion in your life where we are unsure what we want to do. At this time, you would like to talk to your friends, family, and listing down the main concern, have sleepless nights and so on. This is the time, where you think again and again and you may get more clarity when you think.  Many things are uncertain in life, the uncertainty in 2020 was Covid situations which no one expected, but there is a surety of one thing that we get confused many times in life. I don’t understand life is a confused or the Confusion has become life itself.


Confusion is nothing but a state of mind where we are not sure of what we should do in life. There are times we get confused about our professional field where we are working – are we really happy with our jobs?  Is the employer paying well, if not we think let’s quit the job. Or the field we have chosen, are we able to handle the pressure and start evaluating the work which we are doing and the salary we receive. Do we really deserve this?? People who were in jobs now due to covid situation have started taking up Business, are they really happy with their current situations. Confusion is something which will never get waived off from our lives.

At times, we might get influenced by the people around us. But we need to do a lot of research and find some more valuable information about the topic which is making us more confused. “The most confused we ever get is when we’re trying to convince our heads of something our heart knows is a lie.”

“Clarity is the most important thing. I can compare clarity to pruning in gardening. You know, you need to be clear. If you are not clear, nothing is going to happen. You have to be clear. Then you have to be confident about your vision. And after that, you just have to put a lot of work in.”

Be very clear of what we want to do in Life – Very often we get this advice that you need to be clear of what you want from life. But still confusion exists. Those conflicting thoughts – should I do it or not, should I take a chance, why to fix certain things which are not meant to be… rolling in our minds but the main problem is we entertain each of these and get more confused.. Funny isn’t. That’s what human nature is.

I have seen women who want to go out for few days leaving their family behind and spend some quality time with her. A lot of confusion exists whether to leave the kids behind, how people would react, there would be many reasons given to her not to travel without their family especially kids. Ultimately these kind of confusions made them to say NO even though they need a break from life. Confusion would exist- I can’t go, Can I really go? What will happen if I will go?

We all have to understand that confusion is a part of our growing process. Confusion would exist in every part of our life. We take too much time thinking before taking actions. The main point is that we ourselves are not clear as to what we really want. Once we get to know this confusion would eradicate. There may be times where we don’t want any kind of risk or failures in our life, we may not be aware of how to solve our problems.

So, while concluding how a person can overcome confusion to have a meaningful life.

  • Identify what information, qualification you possess.
  • Check out what is that one thing which you can change within you for a better tomorrow.
  • Spend time with those which will give you better rather best advise.
  • Be clear that you will take those decisions that will make you happy.
  • Do stay away from all the negative influencers.
  • Do spend time with yourself, with nature to have a better clarity.
  • Try to do one thing at a time – don’t rush over too many.
  • Stop comparing yourself with others, a major thing people do.
  • Be true to yourself and everyone around you.
  • List down your goals, mission and plan accordingly that how you will achieve those.

At last, I got a wonderful advice from a closed one which I would love to share with you –“ Someday everything will make perfect sense. So for now, laugh at the confusion, smile through the tears and keep reminding yourself that everything happens for a reason.”  Believe in yourself, take decisions wisely , Be firm to what makes you happy. Just don’t take decisions just because someone else wants that. At that end, I am sure you would win in such kind of confusing situations.

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